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"ey201%3Ano-sort" - Results: 33

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Frequent questions

We advise you not to use the grid and throw it into a sorting bin.
Once you have completed your search, specific filters make it easier for you to find the recipes that meet your needs.

The customizable filter:
• Click on "Filter" in order to sort the recipes according to the type of dish (starter, main course, dessert), the time it takes to make the recipe, the minimum rating, their themes (or packs)...
• You can also choose to select only the recipes of the brand or the recipes proposed by the community.

Sorting recipes:
Once you have made a search, you can sort your recipes by popularity, rating, age or alphabetical order.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Once you have completed your search, specific filters make it easier for you to find the recipes that meet your needs.

The customizable filter:
• Click on "Filter" in order to sort the recipes according to the type of dish (starter, main course, dessert), the time it takes to make the recipe, the minimum rating, their themes (or packs)...
• You can also choose to select only the recipes of the brand or the recipes proposed by the community.

Sorting recipes:
Once you have made a search, you can sort your recipes by popularity, rating, age or alphabetical order.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
There is no danger in pulling out the basket during cooking, but it is not recommended.
This will lower the temperature inside the device and, for "Smart" recipes, it may disrupt the cooking settings designed for optimal results.
There could be several explanations:
• The appliance is not properly plugged in.
• You have not yet pushed the power button or you have pushed it incorrectly. Try again by pushing it firmly.
• You have pushed the power button, but the appliance still does not work. Check that the lid is securely closed.
• The engines are running but the appliance does not heat up. Take the appliance to an Authorised Service Centre to have it checked.
Clean the device with a damp, non-abrasive sponge and washing-up liquid. Do not use any aggressive cleaning agents, scouring sponges or abrasive pads. Do not use any special metal cleaning agents. Never immerse or run the appliance under water.
Fries or food are not cut evenly. They should be cut to the same size for perfect cooking.
The cooking temperature is approximately 180°C (160°C at the heart of the food) at the end of the cooking.
With a dosing spoon of oil of your choice, you'll get light and crispy fries. Depending on your taste, you can add 1 extra spoon of oil for even more delicacy!
Wash the cut chips twice in a bowl of water before cooking to remove any excess starch. It is then essential to dry them thoroughly before cooking in a clean, absorbent tea towel and finally patted dry with kitchen paper. If you are cooking frozen chips you do not need to add any oil as these already contain oil and could make the chips soggy. If using the 2 in1 feature (bowl + tray) after the food is cooked on the tray, cook the chips for a further 2-5 minutes after you've removed the tray to make them crispier.
None as the chips already contain oil.
If you are cooking frozen chips you do not need to add any oil as they already contain oil.
There are many possible reasons:
• You may not have used the right variety of potatoes.
• The potatoes were insufficiently washed and dried prior to cooking and still contain too much starch.
• The chips are too thick. Cut the chips thinner.
• You have not used enough oil. Increase the amount of oil.
• The filter may be obstructed. Clean the filter. (ActiFry models only)
Yes, this is a genuinely multi-purpose appliance, which can be used to cook a wide range of foods.
Your appliance can be used for numerous recipes, from starters to desserts.
You can also make crispy chips, tender chicken or even fruit cake…
The size of the chip affects how crunchy or soft it is.
The thinner the chips, the more crunchy they will be and conversely, thicker chips will be softer inside.
Depending on your taste preferences, you may vary the cooking time and the cut of your chips: thin: 8 x 8 mm/Standard: 10 x 10 mm/Thick: 13 x 13 mm.
For best results, wash the whole potatoes and then sliced potatoes in plenty of water until it runs clear.
This allows you to remove as much starch as possible to prevent the chips from sticking together.
Dry them thoroughly using a dry, absorbent kitchen towel.
The chips should be completely dry before cooking.
You can vary your pleasures and use different oils!
Standard oils: olive, rapeseed*, grape seed, corn, peanut, sunflower, soybean*
Flavoured oils: aromatic herbs, chilli, garlic, lemon...
Special oils: hazelnut*, sesame*, safflower*, almond*, avocado*, argan*...
We advise against using walnut oil, which results in a rancid taste after cooking.
(* cooking oil according to manufacturer).
Store the potatoes in a good cellar or a cool cupboard (between 6 and 8°C), away from light.
Do not exceed the maximum quantities and operating times indicated in the recipe table, otherwise you will not get the expected result and may damage your device.
We do not recommend the use of detergent products other than washing-up liquid.
If you think there is a malfunction in the engine operation of the appliance, take it to an Authorized Service Center for checking.
You have probably salted your food during the cooking process. Don't salt your food before the end of cooking to avoid scratching.
For models using the tray, and to preserve its qualities for longer, do not use any metal utensils.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Once you have completed your search, specific filters make it easier for you to find the recipes that meet your needs.

The customizable filter:
• Click on "Filter" in order to sort the recipes according to the type of dish (starter, main course, dessert), the time it takes to make the recipe, the minimum rating, their themes (or packs)...
• You can also choose to select only the recipes of the brand or the recipes proposed by the community.

Sorting recipes:
Once you have made a search, you can sort your recipes by popularity, rating, age or alphabetical order.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
These functions means that your steam generator is fitted with an electronic regulation which offers you the perfect temperature and steam combination allowing you to iron all your ironable fabrics without risk and without having to sort them.
Tap water:
Your appliance has been designed to work with tap water. If your water is very hard (hardness higher than 30°f or 17°dH or 21°e), mix 50% tap water with 50% distilled water (available in stores).
In some seaside regions, the salt content in your water may be high. In this case, use distilled water only.

There are several types of softeners and the water in most of them can be used in the steam generator. However, some softeners, especially those that use chemicals such as salt, can cause white or brown stains. This is particularly the case for filter jugs.
If you experience this sort of problem, we suggest you try using untreated tap water or bottled water.

Never use rainwater, pure demineralized water or pure distilled water from shops, or water containing additives (such as starch, perfume or water from other household appliances). Such additives can affect the steam properties and at high temperatures, form deposits in the steam generator chamber, which are likely to stain your laundry and cause premature ageing of the appliance.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
A Food Processor is an appliance that aims to do most jobs you could want to do in a kitchen when preparing food, both quicker and with less effort than it would be to do such jobs by hand. The primary functions of a Food Processor are chopping, grating and mixing. Nearly all available Food Processors also have shredding and slicing functions of some sort.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre
If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.
Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.
Find more detailed information in the Warranty section of the website.